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Important Note: Chartfield Surgery cannot provide any letters or statements regarding exemption from COVID-19 vaccine exemption unless the correct procedure below is followed. Please call 119 for any enquiries regarding COVID-19 vaccine exemption

The UK Government has now laid out the process by which individuals may apply for exemption from the COVID-19 vaccine. Exemption from the vaccine will be given strictly on specific medical grounds, including:


  • Patients who are receiving end of life care where vaccination is not in the individual’s interests. 

  • Patients with learning disabilities or autistic individuals, or with a combination of impairments which result in the same distress, who find vaccination and testing distressing because of their condition and cannot be achieved through reasonable adjustments such as provision of an accessible environment. 

  • Those with medical contraindications to the vaccines such as:​


  • adverse reactions to the first dose (e.g. myocarditis).

  • severe demonstrated allergy to all Covid-19 vaccines or their constituents (e.g. PEG).


If you believe that you or someone for whom you care may be eligible for exemption from the COVID-19 vaccine, please follow the steps below to apply. This information, along with further details about exemption from the COVID-19 vaccine, can also be found on the website.


Applying for exemption from the COVID-19 vaccine


1. Phone the NHS COVID Pass service on 119 to ask for an NHS COVID Pass medical exemptions application form. You can also call to find out more information about COVID Pass medical exemptions.


The call handler at the NHS COVID Pass service will ask you some questions. You will need to give:


  • your name

  • your date of birth

  • your NHS number (if you know it)

  • the name of your GP and/or specialist clinician


2. If you’re eligible to apply, you’ll get an application form by post. You should not ask your GP for an application form. If you do go to your GP before you get your application form, you’ll be asked to call the NHS COVID pass service on 119.


3. Return your application form to the GP or relevant clinician stated on the form. Your application will be clinically reviewed by your doctor, specialist or midwife. Your GP, specialist or midwife may ask to speak with you if needed, but you won’t need to book this when you submit your application.


4. You’ll automatically get the results of your application by post 2 to 3 weeks after applying. You don’t need to contact your GP or the clinician reviewing your exemption unless they ask you to contact them.


5. If you get a medical exemption you can use the domestic NHS COVID Pass wherever you need to. The pass won’t show others that you have a medical exemption, just that you have the NHS COVID Pass. You can access your NHS COVID Pass digitally – on the NHS app or the NHS website. You can also download it as a pdf. The paper version of the pass will be available soon. Find out more about the NHS COVID Pass on the NHS website.


6. The clinical decision on your medical exemption is final. You can’t appeal the decision.

Receiving an exemption does not mean you are protected against COVID-19. You should self-isolate if you have any symptoms of COVID-19.




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